Bill's first PwC intern 5 years ago at NEXT was Jen Read. PwC fund the intern to shadow Bill for two days a week. This is for them to learn off Bill, and Bill use their skills symbiotically. How it really worked out was they both enjoyed each other’s skill set and this kick started NEXT into accomplishing a lot and the NEXT Board is thrilled with the partnership and the continuation of the internships. Since Jen, NEXT has had another 7 interns. Jen was obviously a special one, always a must catch up in London, (mostly people are phoning Bill), and a legend.
We met at a cafe called Timmy Green. Timmy Green is a friend back home and Jilly (his wife) staged our house, before we put it on the market.
Then it was off to see Murray and Clare. Clare was Bill’s first boss 35 years ago. Whenever we get together we talk about the silver trees at Zealcorp, how Bill got his job there, the parties and the fun, the VW we bought off them, and then wore down until it was put into the demolition derby on Waiheke! (It wasn't, but it sounds good.)
I learnt a new story this time. The time someone banged into my car after we had been out to a restaurant in Wellington. Murray was surprised at the superlatives that came out of my mouth. My swearing was a shock to him apparently and not to be repeated here.
As well as chats, we watched England thrash Australia in the semi final of the cricket. We had beautiful sushi. We toured their beautiful new apartment. Even the basement, which houses some very expensive cars. It was a very fun day like those days back at Zealcorp.
Then we went out for a very nice dinner with Chiara and Lachie. Then Chiara chose a latest new release film at the National Theatre. It had very good reviews. This is Lachie, Chiara and me below. Bill went back to the hotel as he had a bit of a sore throat. That was a very good idea. The movie was called In Fabric. We all stayed till the end and it was a shocker. We all thought so . . . nice pic though. No one left the movie including me, though I wanted to.
This summed up the movie (a text from Chiara): "Hiya Robin. Good morning and hope you manage to sleep after that horror movie ... took me a while to fall asleep. Sorry about the choice the reviews looked good 🤭." I did sleep. It was touch and go!